Student Life
- Student Life Programs 42
- Student Life Activities
- Student Organizations
- Christian Ministries
- Residence Life 43
- Career and Job Placement Services 44
42. Student Activities
Cedarville University recognizes the importance of providing students with a high level of support and a full range of student services and activities. Information is provided on Student Life and Christian Ministries and different programs and activities that are available to students.
43. Residence Life
Living on campus in a residence hall is one of the most influential parts of the Cedarville experience. More than 80 percent of undergraduate students live on campus. Living on campus provides an environment to help students internalize Cedarville's core values. Information is provided on residence life at Cedarville University.
44. Career and Job Placement Services
Staffed with certified professional career coaches and resume writers, Career Services exists to help students and alumni develop a Christ honoring approach to vocation through services that facilitate career exploration and the development of lifelong career navigational skills. Information is provided on the different services, resources, and opportunities provided by Career Services at Cedarville University.
45. Title IX Compliance
In compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, sex discrimination applies to, but is not limited to: recruitment, admissions, housing, athletic and extracurricular activities, rules and regulations, discipline, class enrollment, access to programs, courses and internships, distribution of financial assistance, distribution of institutional resources, hiring practices, employment, promotion, and policies. For the purposes of this policy, “sex discrimination” shall include, but not be limited to, any acts of sexual violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. The University will take immediate action to address sex discrimination promptly and to equitably investigate complaints to resolve the situation, prevent its reoccurrence, and address its effects by implementing awareness and/or preventative measures. The University is committed to promoting respect for the bodily integrity of all persons, the virtues of chastity, and the sacredness of human sexuality. The University affirms that sexual relationships are designed by God to be expressed solely within a marriage between husband and wife. Sexual acts of any kind outside the confines of marriage are inconsistent with biblical principles and are prohibited by University policies. “Sexual Misconduct,” as that term is used in this policy, means any form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Sexual misconduct is antithetical to the standards and ideals of our community and will not be tolerated. Cedarville recognizes the spiritual, moral, legal, physical, and psychological seriousness of all sexual misconduct, regardless of the level of acquaintance between the perpetrator and the victim, however casual. Cedarville aims to eradicate sexual misconduct through education, training, clear policies, and serious consequences for violations of these policies. Information is provided on Cedarville University’s policy, coordinator, and resources.